Other Helpers

User Friendly Engine Creator

This sqlalchemy Official Document tells you the correct connection string to use for different DB driver. Who wants to Google the API document everytime?

sqlalchemy_mate.EngineCreator leveraged the IDE / Code Editor that provide a user friendly interface to pass in DB connection specs and choose the underlying python driver.

import sqlalchemy_mate as sam

# An Postgres DB example
# First, you use EngineCreator class to create the db connection specs
# Second, you choose to use which python driver, IDE will tell you
# all options you have
engine_psql = sam.EngineCreator(

# You can use test_connection method to perform test connection and
# raise error if timeout.
sam.test_connection(engine_sqlite, timeout=3)

# A sqlite example
engine_sqlite = sam.EngineCreator().create_sqlite(path="/tmp/db.sqlite")
sam.test_connection(engine_sqlite, timeout=1)

For more information, see engine_creator

Ascii Table Printer

Lots of CLI DB client can print result in pretty Ascii Table. sqlalchemy_mate can do that too.

First let’s insert some sample data:

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
import sqlalchemy_mate as sam

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base, sam.ExtendedBase):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = sa.Column(sa.String, nullable=True)

t_users = User.__table__

engine = sam.EngineCreator().create_sqlite()
        User(id=1, name="Alice"),
        User(id=2, name="Bob"),
        User(id=3, name="Cathy"),
        User(id=4, name="David"),
        User(id=5, name="Edward"),
        User(id=6, name="Frank"),
        User(id=7, name="George"),

Now let’s create some query and print Ascii table:

import sqlalchemy_mate as sam

# from ORM class
print(sam.pt.from_everything(User, engine))
| id |  name  |
| 1  | Alice  |
| 2  |  Bob   |
| 3  | Cathy  |
| 4  | David  |
| 5  | Edward |
| 6  | Frank  |
| 7  | George |

# from Table
print(sam.pt.from_everything(t_users, engine, limit=3))
| id |  name |
| 1  | Alice |
| 2  |  Bob  |
| 3  | Cathy |

# from ORM styled select statement
    sa.select(User.name).where(User.id >= 4).limit(2),
|  name  |
| David  |
| Edward |

# from SQL expression styled select statement
    sa.select(t_users.c.name).where(User.id >= 4),
|  name  |
| David  |
| Edward |
| Frank  |
| George |

# from Raw SQL text
    "SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = 'Edward'",
| id |
| 5  |

# from list of dict
    {"id": 1, "name": "Alice"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Bob"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Cathy"},
| id |  name |
| 1  | Alice |
| 2  |  Bob  |
| 3  | Cathy |

For more information, see pt