Source code for sqlalchemy_mate.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utilities function.

from typing import Type, Union, Tuple, Dict, Iterable

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, Session

def ensure_exact_one_arg_is_not_none(*args):
    if sum([bool(arg is not None) for arg in args]) != 1:
        raise ValueError

def ensure_list(item) -> list:
    if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
        return [item, ]
        return item

[docs]def grouper_list(l: Iterable, n: int) -> Iterable[list]: """Evenly divide list into fixed-length piece, no filled value if chunk size smaller than fixed-length. Example:: >>> list(grouper(range(10), n=3) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]] **中文文档** 将一个列表按照尺寸n, 依次打包输出, 有多少输出多少, 并不强制填充包的大小到n。 下列实现是按照性能从高到低进行排列的: - 方法1: 建立一个counter, 在向chunk中添加元素时, 同时将counter与n比较, 如果一致 则yield。然后在最后将剩余的item视情况yield。 - 方法2: 建立一个list, 每次添加一个元素, 并检查size。 - 方法3: 调用grouper()函数, 然后对里面的None元素进行清理。 """ chunk = list() counter = 0 for item in l: counter += 1 chunk.append(item) if counter == n: yield chunk chunk = list() counter = 0 if len(chunk) > 0: yield chunk
session_klass_cache = dict() # type: Dict[int, Type[Session]]
[docs]def ensure_session( engine_or_session: Union[Engine, Session] ) -> Tuple[Session, bool]: """ If it is an engine, then create a session from it. And indicate that this session should be closed after the job done. **中文文档** 在 ORM 中对数据进行操作主要是通过 Session. 如果传入的参数是 Engine, 则创建一个 Session, 用完之后是要 close 的, 所以 ``auto_close = True`` 因为这个 Session 反正是新创建的. 如果传入的参数是 Session, 用完之后是否 close 取决于业务, 所以 ``auto_close = False``. """ if isinstance(engine_or_session, Engine): engine_id = id(engine_or_session) if engine_id not in session_klass_cache: # pragma: no cover session_klass_cache[engine_id] = sessionmaker(bind=engine_or_session) SessionClass = session_klass_cache[engine_id] session = SessionClass() auto_close = True return session, auto_close elif isinstance(engine_or_session, Session): session = engine_or_session auto_close = False return session, auto_close
[docs]def clean_session( session: Session, auto_close: bool, ): """ Close session if necessary. Just a syntax sugar. """ if auto_close: session.close()
from .pkg import timeout_decorator def test_connection(engine, timeout=3): @timeout_decorator.timeout(timeout) def _test_connection(engine): v = engine.execute(sa.text("SELECT 1;")).fetchall()[0][0] assert v == 1 try: _test_connection(engine) return True except timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: raise timeout_decorator.TimeoutError( "time out in %s seconds!" % timeout) except AssertionError: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError except Exception as e: raise e